A web based platform to store and disseminate high resolution images captured from drones and other data products.
Geonadir is a web-based application that allows anyone to upload, store and disseminate high-resolution datasets captured by drones. Geonadir consists of technical modules that allow any users to sign up, create their profiles, and upload the images they have captured. The team from NAXA created graphical designs for all envisioned features and also developed the technical features of the web-based module. In the second phase, Agile Development of the GeoNadir platform to MVP stage, based on the XD file developed during Phase I was done. The brainstormed and conceptualized system in phase I was created in phase II. Naxa developed and tested the software, including deployment onto servers.
The technical team provided the following services:
Created graphical designs for all envisioned technical features in the system.
System design and development of all technical modules.